


What does the governing body do?
The governing body has three core strategic functions:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
• Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. The governors support and challenge the Headteacher to ensure that the school delivers the best results for its pupils and makes good use of its money. In this sense the governors' role is similar to the directors of a company, with the Headteacher and other senior staff being the managers.

Who are the governors?
The membership of the governing body is set out in the legal agreement between the school and the government. It is intended to reflect the mix of stakeholders in the school, including parents, staff and the wider community. As Dyson Perrins is a Church of England school, a large number of governors are appointed by church bodies. This ensures that the school maintains its distinctive Christian ethos.

There are up to 21 governors of Dyson Perrins, made up of:
• 3 parent governors, elected by parents at the school
• The Headteacher
• 11 church governors, appointed by various local organisations within the Church of England
• 2 co-opted governors, appointed by the other governors because they have specific skills or experience that the governing body would benefit from

Governors have a right to vote on all committees they serve on but must abstain from all votes they have an interest in. The Chair of Governors has the right to vote on all matters. Governors abstain from all votes they have an interest in, this includes the Business Manager at Finance and Resources Committees and the Headteacher at Full Governing Body Meetings.’

Please contact Clerk to the Governors (, about all matters relating to the Governors, including requests for copies of minutes.

To contact the chair of Governors please email: 



Mike Gunston

Mike Gunston


Paul Charman

Paul Charman

Chair of Governors

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

Chair of the Finance, Resources & Audit Committee

Keith Metcalfe

Keith Metcalfe


Rev James Williams

Rev James Williams


Janet Adsett

Janet Adsett

Chair of the Educational Standards Committee, Safeguarding & SEN link governor

Mark Skyrme

Mark Skyrme

Parent Governor

Kim Hibbert-Mayne

Kim Hibbert-Mayne


Tom Tuthill

Tom Tuthill


Rupert Needham

Rupert Needham


Melanie Powell-Jones

Melanie Powell-Jones


Kerry Palmer

Kerry Palmer




Chair of Governors


Vacant, Area Dean Appointed Member


Member Appointed

Vacant, Parish Minister Appointed Member



WDAT Corporate Member



How can I get involved with the governors?

Please contact the Chair of Governors for details of any current vacancies on the governing body

How is the governing body organised?

The full governing body meets 5 times a year.

The governors also have two smaller subcommittees to look at specific areas in more detail, which each meet four times a year. 

These are: 

  • The Educational Standards Committee (which reviews data on the performance of the school and challenges the school on how it will improve)
  • Finance & Resources Committee (which monitors the school's finances, buildings and health and safety)

There is a link governor for key subject areas, as well as areas of particular importance such as Safeguarding, Special Education Needs (SEN) and Attendance in the school. They act as a critical friend and ensure the governing body is aware of successes and issues across the school. Finally, the governors have a number of committees and panels which meet only when required. 

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