Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Dyson Perrins is committed to inclusion and to the removal of barriers to learning and participation that may be encountered by students with additional learning needs. We want all students to reach their potential and flourish.
Our SEN team works closely with all the teaching and pastoral staff to support students with a wide range of academic, physical, and social needs. It is our belief that, wherever possible, this should be delivered through classroom-based support, where students are able to benefit from the subject specific expertise that our subject specialist teachers provide. On occasions, it may be decided that the required support can be delivered more effectively through withdrawing students from their mainstream timetable, in small group or one-to-one sessions. All interventions and support are closely monitored to ensure they are having the desired impact, with any adaptations to a student’s timetable being carefully considered to avoid narrowing the curriculum.
We work hard to maintain very close working relationships with students, staff, parents, and external agencies. We encourage parents to discuss progress regularly with class teachers and with our special educational needs coordinator as required.
Further information and Support
Detailed below is a list of helpful links and information that we think might be of use to you if your child has any special educational needs.
- The National ADD Information and Support Service
- The Dyspraxia Foundation
- National Autistic Society
- Autism Independent UK
- Asperger's Support
- Tourette Syndrome (UK) Association
- British Dyslexia Association
- The British Epilepsy Association
- Royal Institute for the Blind
Should you feel the need to seek more independent advice and support around your child’s Special Educational Needs, we would also encourage making use of the Worcestershire and Herefordshire SEN information, advice and Support Service (SENDIASS), using the link below.
If you have a child with a Special Education Need or a Disability the SEND Code of Practice requires the Local Authority to publish their Local Offer. The Local Offer tells you, what is available to you in the area your child goes to school. It can be found by going to:
SEND Local Offer | Worcestershire County Council
Our Local Offer provides information about provision families can expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have Special Educational Need (SEN) or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans.
Contact us
If you have any additional questions or queries regarding our SEND provision at Dyson Perrins Church of England Academy, please contact Mr Andy Prout, our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo),
Email: prout.a@dysonperrins.co.uk Tel: 01684 564751.
Andy Prout
Assistant Headteacher: SENCo & Designated Safeguarding Lead
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