Why study geography?
We study Geography because it is a constantly changing, dynamic subject which aims to tackle some of the greatest challenges of social and environmental issues in our rapidly changing world.
Geography seeks to develop a sense of place and helps students make sense of their surroundings and gain a better appreciation of local, national and global issues.
Geographers investigate the interaction between human and physical environments such as the causes of climate change and how this can be managed. We give our learners the skills and ability to empathise with other cultures through the study of real examples. We want our students to become global citizens and to develop the skills and knowledge to understand the world around them.
Geography KS3
KS3 Geography curriculum plan.
Learning cycle 1
Learning cycle 2
Learning cycle 3
Year 7
What is Geography?
An intro to Geography
Maps Skills
Who do you think you are?
The geography of the UK
Upland and lowland Britain
Climate of UK
Famous places
Migration and Identity
Physical and human geography of Kenya
Climate graphs
Ecosystems and human impacts –
Savannah and Coral reefs
How developed is Kenya?
Too many people?
Where do people live?
How is global population changing?
How is population changing?
Why are there differences between birth and
death rates?
Push and pull factors of migration
Year 8
Rivers and Coasts
Drainage basin and river processes
River landforms
Flooding and flood management
Coastal processes and key terms
Coastal landforms – erosion and deposition
How can we protect the coast?
Global Development
What is development?
How can we measure development?
The development gap and why it exists
Education and development
Aid and reducing poverty
Weather and Climate
The hydrological cycle
How does it rain?
Global circulation
Hurricanes-causes, impacts and
Climate changes –Droughts
Extreme weather in UK
Microclimate investigation
Year 9
Local Actions, Global Effects
What are ecosystems?
What is the distribution of ecosystems?
Rainforests and the nutrient cycles
Impacts of humans on ecosystems and
how they can be managed sustainably?
Dynamic Earth
Structure of the earth
How do tectonic plate move?
Earthquakes and impacts
Case study – Japan tsunami
Volcanoes – causes, impacts and responses
Planning for hazards
Case study – Mt St Helens Eruption
Our Changing World
How are we connected? What is globalisation?
Where do our goods come from?
How are cities changing?
Conflict and the refugee crisis
What are our future challenges?
Geography KS4
GCSE Geography B (Geographical Themes) (9-1) - J384
Learning Cycle 1
Learning Cycle 2
Learning Cycle 3
Year 10
Unit 1: Urban Futures
The urban explosion
Urban trends in ACs and LIDCs/EDCs
Mexico City
Sustainable cities
Fieldwork visit 1 – human
Unit 2: Global Hazards
Global circulation system
Extreme weather
Tropical storms
Plate tectonics
Tectonic hazards
Earthquakes and volcanoes
Hazard Management
Unit 3: UK in the 21st Century
Human and physical geography of the UK
UK’s changing population
UK economy and economic hubs
UKs global role
UK in the Middle East
Influence of UK media
Unit 4: Distinctive Landscapes – Rivers
What is a distinctive landscape
Hydrological cycle
River processes
River landforms
The long profile of a river
Causes and impacts of flooding
River management
Distinctive Landscapes – coasts
Coastal processes
Coastal landforms-erosion and deposition
Coastal management- The Holderness Coast
Fieldwork visit 2 – Physical
Year 11
Unit 5: Sustaining Ecosystems
Defining ecosystems
Distribution of ecosystems
Tropical biomes
Value of rainforests
Treats to rainforests and how can they be managed sustainably
Life in the Artic
Human impacts
Sustainable management of the Arctic
Unit 6: Changing Climate
Earth’s changing climate
Evidence of climate change
Natural and human causes of climate change
Impacts of climate change – global and UK
Unit 7: Dynamic Development
Defining and measuring development
The global development divide
How uneven development happened
Obstacles to uneven development
Case study Democratic Republic of Congo
Aid and debt
Comparing top down and bottom up approaches.
Unit 8: Resource Reliance
What are resources- food, water, energy
Food security
2 visions of the future
Case study – Tanzania
Small scale management
Large scale management
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