

The Dyson Perrins History curriculum aims to promote History as a dynamic and shape-shifting subject that is vital in order to understand our modern world and culture. Our curriculum strives to create active citizens that are fully aware of the circumstances that have led to their lives and positions today. Pupils therefore develop their understanding through a broad chronological sequenced curriculum organised in to historical themes that are built around a spine of British History. Enquiries are designed to analyse and understand the world around them and its history, both at an individual or local level as well as nationally and internationally. Pupils will develop their disciplinary knowledge through engaging in a wide variety of topics viewed through multiple perspectives and viewpoints. Through engagement with our curriculum pupils will increase their knowledge of the past providing them with the confidence to develop their own arguments and judgments. At the heart of our curriculum is academic excellence for our pupils and opportunities for extra-ordinary experiences that create life long memories both in and outside of the classroom.

History KS3


Learning Cycle 1

Learning Cycle 2

Learning Cycle 3

Year 7

The Pursuit of History

This unit introduces students to the key historical concepts and processes that are essential to the study of History such as chronology, primary sources and interpretations.


The Norman Conquest

This unit investigates the reasons for William’s victory at the Battle of Hastings followed by an evaluation of why the Norman conquest was so significant. This unit will also introduce students to historical sites such as castles that they may have visited.



Threats to Power

This unit continues with the theme of monarchy by investigating the ways in which the power of the monarchy was challenged during the medieval period. The focus of this unit is the reign of King John.


Medieval Turmoil

This unit investigates the social changes that occurred due to the Black Death. The focus here is to consider the lives of the people of Walsham and how people responded in different ways to the Black Death. 

The Tudors and Religious Change

The importance of religion ties in to the schools Christian ethos and the unit begins with a study of the Reformation and the foundation of the Church of England. The unit then goes on to investigate the extent to which religion in England changed during the Tudor Period. The unit also considers the impact that the Tudor dynasty has had on modern Britain.


Year 8

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution has shaped Britain and the legacy of that is clear to see in West Midlands. The unit ensures that students understand the causes and the impact the Industrial Revolution had in Britain as a whole.


The British Empire

This aims to ensure that students have a clear understanding of Britain’s impact on the world and allows them to make informed judgments on the past. This also exposes pupils to the study of other cultures as they examine the impact of the Empire.

Powerful ideas

This unit builds on the concept of social change by investigating the Enlightenment and the influence it had on the American Revolution.


 The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Abolition

This unit investigates Britain’s role in Transatlantic slavery, the reasons for abolition, the 1807 and 1833 Acts. It also investigates how successful abolition was by considering who benefitted from the Acts.


British Democracy

This unit investigates the social and political changes of the Nineteenth century including the extension of the franchise. Pupils turn their attention to the Women’s suffrage movement and the fight for equality. This unit also highlights the effects of patriarchy and how these effects are often hidden when our histories focus on men.


Year 9



The First World War

This unit draws together the recent studies on Britain’s place in the world and industrial developments that will also change the nature of warfare. The First World War laid the foundation of our current system of international relations and is therefore key to understanding the world today. The unit allows pupils to develop an understanding of concepts such as nationalism and diplomacy.



USA in the 1920s

This study allows students to understand the developments that have taken place in America that have defined the world today. These events include social, economic, and political changes. Students are challenged with economic theories and political ideologies building on their knowledge from previous studies.

The Second World War

It is not possible to fully understand the international issues of today without an understanding of what happened In the Second World War. Students study a selection of key events in order to evaluate what event was the most significant turning point.



 The Holocaust

This study provides students with the opportunity to further develop their understanding of the dangers of prejudice, discrimination and persecution. Students have a knowledge of extremist ideologies, propaganda and the abuse of power from their recent studies and this study builds on that by highlighting behavior that still affect society today such as scapegoating and the desire for simple answers to complex questions.

History KS4

Pearson Edexcel GCSE History (9-1).



Learning Cycle 1

Learning Cycle 2

Learning cycle 3

Year 10

Medicine in Britain, c1250-present.

The British Sector of the Western Front, 1914-1918: injuries, treatments and the trenches.

Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939.

Year 11

Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941-91.

Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88.

Revision and exams.

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