
Year 6 Transition

A warm welcome to the transition section of our website, which is aimed at our new students joining us in the next academic year. Starting secondary school can be an exciting and challenging time for many students. This section of the website will provide you and your child with all the information we feel is key to help prepare them for secondary life and ensure that they feel safe, happy and ready to enjoy a positive start to Dyson Perrins CE Academy. 

We are really looking forward to welcoming and meeting our new students in September. We will continue to add to the below resources, so please keep checking regularly for updates. In the meantime, if you have any questions please email 


If you would like to book an Individual family tour, please click here



Mrs Jones

Assistant Head Teacher

Welcome Message

Ms Clifford

KS3 Pastoral Manager

Welcome Message


Senior Student


Senior Student



Reading Lists


Book a Year 5 Individual Family Tour

Please click here to book a Year 5 Individual Family Tour

Virtual Tour

Please click here to view our Virtual Tour page

Latest Newsletter

Latest Newsletter

3D Virtual School Tour

3D Virtual School Tour

School Gateway

School Gateway



Tweets by DysonPerrins

Dyson Perrins C of E Academy