
Exams Information

Here at Dyson Perrins CofE Academy it is our aim to make the examination experience as stress-free and successful as possible for all students. Various exam awarding bodies offer qualifications like GCSE, AS and A level. They set the examinations and are regulated by the QCA - the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. Their websites provide information for teachers, parents and students.

Exam awarding bodies set down strict rules governing the conduct of external examinations and the school is required to follow them precisely. You are strongly advised to click the links under 'More Exams...' and read the documentation on these rules and regulations. (Posters will also be displayed at each examination venue).

For each examination season students are issued, in advance, with a 'Statement of Entry' showing all examinations that they have been entered for. Nearer the time of the examinations, students will receive an individual timetable showing the date and time of the exam, where the exam is going to take place and their seat number. An Examination booklet is also produced detailing examination procedures, useful revision tips and information relating to the collection of results.

If you have any queries or need help or advice at any time before, during or after the examinations please contact the Exam's Officer.
School Telephone: 01684 564751
School Email:

Year 7 Assessments


Year 8 Assessments

Year 9 Assessments

Year 11 Mock Exams


Guidance for Students & Parents

Preparing to sit your exams checklist

Internal appeals procedure 2024

Warning to Candidates 2023-24

Unauthorised Items poster

Information for candidates Privacy Notice

Information For Candidates - Written Examinations 2024

Information for candidates – non-examination assessments & coursework

Social Media Information for Candidates

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3D Virtual School Tour

School Gateway

School Gateway



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Dyson Perrins C of E Academy